Permanent Numbers

AAS uses a computerized timing and scoring system! Everyone needs permanent numbers to run in a class. 

When you register online, if the number you choose is available that will be your permanent number. If it is not available you will be notified what your number is. If you do not like the number you are given, when you check in at registration we will try to come up with a number that is available. Make sure you know what class you are running in and the year, make, model and color of the car. Note that in PAX classes we cannot allow two cars have the same number even if their core class is different. For example, Pax Class Street 1 consists of Core Classes of BS and DS, so if 18 BS is taken there cannot be an 18 DS).

Car numbers and class designation on your car
Car number and class needs to be displayed on both sides of all cars. Numbers should be at least 8” tall and class letters should be about 4” tall (font stoke needs to be wide enough to see from afar). Remember, your favorite font may look legible and cool up close but be completely illegible when you are out on course! Also, the color of your numbers and class should have good contrast against your car color – blue tape on a blue car doesn’t cut it!

If you run in a PAX class you must identify both your PAX class as well as your Core class on the car (i.e. 18 BS would be 18 S1 BS). If you run in Ladies class an “L” should be near the class on both sides of the car.

Please follow these guidelines at all times so our events can run smoothly.