Run/Work Groups for Round 10

7/7/2024 at Crows Landing – Larry Park Memorial – POSTPONED

Please read regarding Larry Park Memorial

6/30/24 – UPDATE
Welp, the dreaded moment has come.
We have decided to postpone the Larry Park Memorial until August 3-4. The forecast depending on the weather app you use is forecasting 108 to 114 degrees.
For those of you that toughed it out last year, you know how brutal that was. The forecast last year was nearly identical. Weather temps on the concrete were over 120 degrees. I can’t in good conscience subject you or are amazing core workers group to that again.
We have seen serious health issues in the past holding events in extreme heat and I don’t want to subject anyone unnecessarily.
We will regroup over the next couple of days and open registration for the LPM take two. It will be the same big course, T shirt and dinner but a month later.
Thank you all.
See you in August


Hi everyone. For everyone that was at the LPM last year you know how horribly hot it was. We told ourselves that if it was over 105 degrees that we would postpone the LPM if it was that hot in 2024.

We are watching the forecast closely and will make a call about the event on Sunday.
If we have to postpone the event the goal will be to hold the event on August 3-4 if the weather is unfavorable.
At this time we are hoping that the forecast will improve but we are trying to also be realistic.
From a personal point of view this is very frustrating. We have a big course planned, a great dinner vendor and a T shirt we want to share with you. If the event is postponed until August you will still get all of those things but a month later.
Stay tuned ~Chris Cox