Run/Work Groups for Round 5

5/4/2024 at Crows Landing

Please remember that events are subject to change. You can check out our Facebook page for any late-breaking news.

What’s my class?  Click here to find out!

Registration for this event is now closed. There is no on-site registration. Payment and check-in will be on-site from 7:45am to 9:00am. Cash or Check only – we do not do online payments! First car out will be around 9:00am. Please complete your electronic SpeedWaiver form prior to the event and have it ready for the waiver station when you arrive at the site (form can be found here).

If you need to cancel, you MUST cancel through MSR before the event.

All people entering the site 18 years of age or older will need to do the online SpeedWaiver form. Minors will need to have a parent/guardian with them to do a paper waiver at the entrance to the site.

Class Name Run Work
TBD – due to cancelations we are moving to 2 groups and will announce the order a the event



TBD – due to cancelations we are moving to 2 groups and will announce the order a the event



All Ladies classes will run at the same time as their respective Open classes.